Automation Scheduling

Automation schedules tell the bot when to run an automation. You can run your automations using three unique schedules: continuous, triggers, or manual buttons.

You can schedule an automation multiple was inside a bot.


  • Scanner - Only run if bot is under its position limits.

  • Monitor - Only run if the bot has an open position.

Scan Speed

Your bot's Scan Speed setting determines how frequently scanner and monitor automations run when the market is open.

Your bot's default scan speed is set to 15 minutes. That means your bot will automatically run scanner and monitor automations every 15 minutes between 9:45 am and 3:45 pm EST.

You can also self-select 5-minute and 1-minute scans. Scan speeds are set at the bot-level; each bot defaults to 15 minutes unless you select a different speed.

1 minute scans run every 1 minute unless the previous 1 minute interval has not completed all scheduled automations. If the previous interval is still running the bot will try again at the next 1 minute interval.


Triggers allow you to set an automation to run based on specific actions:

  • Date - At a specific date and time

  • Repeating - On a recurring schedule

  • Market open - 10 minutes after the market opens (9:40 am EST)

  • Market close - 10 minutes before the market closes (3:50 pm EST)

  • Position opened - After the bot opens a position

  • Position closed - After the bot closes a position

  • Webhook - When a webhook is called


Create a button to run an automation instantly whenever you click the button.

  • Button - Add a button to the bot's dashboard

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